incowia GmbH is a software development company located in Ilmenau in Germany, and became a great ally of our foundation in 2019. Since that moment incowia made a yearly donation which has been of great benefit to the main actors involved in the process: the children and youth of Comuna 20, one of the most vulnerable areas of Cali Colombia. Thanks to his contributions, it was possible to continue with the formation process which, for the community, is of great importance because what has been learned has resulted in the construction of ethical, active and democratic individuals. In this context, the work has focused on impacting not only the children and youth, but also the teachers of the Multipropósito School, as well as the parents and community leaders of the city of Cali, with whom we have joined efforts to achieve the proposed goal, where the participants are our greatest motivation. However, without their help, it would not be possible to assist the more than 350 students who, to date, have been active subjects of the program. Among the investments made, we highlight the support and accompaniment of a group of facilitators, whose continuity has been possible thanks to the contributions received from their donations. Thanks to this, we have had the constant and permanent presence of workshop leaders who can handle the themes and components, which were one of our greatest difficulties due to resource problems. In addition, we were able to afford to publish our foundation's website.
Also, it was possible to cover the costs of refreshments, educational outings and materials for the development of the activities. In this way, we were able to make our training processes an oxygenated and dynamic learning scenario, which involved our young people. The above has been reflected in the interest of the program participants to continue and, at the same time, change the daily practices to which they were accustomed (due to the complex reality they live in their social contexts) for others in which healthy coexistence and active participation for the transformation of their territories prevails. A summary of our work during the last year can be seen online. If you want to know more about incowia click here to visit their website.
Thank you incowia GmbH
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