The Foundation for Participation and Coexistence Multipropaz was born from the project Jóvenes Constructores y Constructoras de Paz (Youung Peacebuilders) - Multipropaz , led at the time by students and teachers from the Mutlipropósito School in Cali, Colombia since 2003. It was legally constituted in February 2011 with NIT 900417321-5 and is located in Corregimiento La Elvira, Vereda Los Laureles, Casa 39, Finca San Fernando - Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
The foundation promotes active participation from spaces created from the interests of the youth and the transversal projects of schools in which human potential is strengthened and life skills are developed, contributing to the construction of a peace culture and the fostering of peaceful coexistence.
Meritorious Activity
The Foundation seeks to foster youth participation, democracy, peaceful coexistence, and conflict resolution. We promote spaces of peacebuilding with children, youth, adults, and different community actors.
Our Mission
To promote the reconstruction of social structures with a wide community coverage in order to foster participation and peaceful coexistence with children, youth, adults, women heads of household, and/or community leaders.
Our Vision
In the long term, the Multipropaz Foundation will have positioned itself as a leading organization in educational, social, and community processes, with a high impact on conflict resolution under peaceful coexistence.
Meet the founders
The founders of Multipropaz are former students and teachers of the Multipropósito school. They participated in the project "Jóvenes Constructores y Constructoras de Paz"(Young Peacebuilders), which was continued without financial support and then legally constituted in 2011 as the Foundation for Participation and Coexistence Multipropaz.
Xiomara Muñoz Bambagüe
Founder (not active)
Social worker
Milton Fernando Muñoz Paz
Founder (not active)
Industrial Engineering Technologist
Board of Directors
Víctor Esteban Valencia Quintero
General Secretary
Equipo operativo
Victor Valencia
Project Coordinator
Evelyn Dahiana Mosquera
Management and Communications Coordinator
Nasly Gabriela Valencia
Other members
Francia Elena Arbeláez
Fiscal Reviewer
CC: 31.487.077
Juan Sebastián Flórez
CC: 1.143.831.071
No activos
Diana Carolina Gamboa
Financial and Management Reports
To know our financial statements, tax returns, and management: