Our foundation

Our projects


Our foundation

The Foundation for Participation and Coexistence Multipropaz was born from the project Jóvenes Constructores y Constructoras de Paz (Youung Peacebuilders) - Multipropaz , led at the time by students and teachers from the Mutlipropósito School in Cali, Colombia since 2003. It was legally constituted in February 2011 with NIT 900417321-5 and is located in Corregimiento La Elvira, Vereda Los Laureles, Casa 39, Finca San Fernando - Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

Our foundation promotes active participation from spaces created from the interests of the youth and the transversal projects of schools in which human potential is strengthened and life skills are developed, contributing to the construction of a peace culture and the fostering of peaceful coexistence.