Fostering a peaceful coexistence

This project promotes the construction of peaceful coexistence based on the promotion of a culture of peace in the Multipropósito School through different clubs. Despite the fact that each club has its own context and practices, they are all guided by the PECP Methodology (Educational Proposal for Peacebuilding).

By Youth and for Youth: Semillero de Paz

The workshops held in this club offer participants a space to think about their life stories at school, in their neighborhoods, their families, and other social practices. In the workshops, different creative languages are applied with the intention of motivating the participants either from dramatization, dance, painting, creative writing, music, and oral expressions. The goal of this club is to train "experience multipliers", which are essential to promote a peace culture to other clubs.

Peace Communicators:: Tu VOZ Expresa

Multipropaz focuses strongly on the audiovisual means, therefore, this club also works as a pilot laboratory for the creation of short films, films, songs, peace days, photo exhibitions, and a school radio called “TU VOZ EXPRESA” (YOUR VOICE EXPRESSES) which seeks to include the entire school community, promoting the culture of peace through everything that the human communication environment is capable of achieving. This space of participation is proposed as a scenario to know and learn about everything that surrounds the communicative practices in the daily life of the students.

Ecology club:MultiEcoPaz

The ecology workshops are born as a call from Multipropaz towards the conservation of the environment by strengthening the interpersonal relationships between the students. We foster a conscious attitude to face environmental problems. Recycling, proper separation of waste, and sustainable food through gardening, are recurrent practices in this club. This club is totally open to all students and offers activities in the morning and in the afternoon.